
Flexibility and Modularity without limits

Explorer is a multi purpose – Theta/Theta – high resolution diffractometer which, thanks to its direct drive torque motors, offers top performances in many analytical areas, from phase analysis to determination of microstructural properties on bulk or thin film materials. 


Made in Italy

Quality control in metal

analysis using OES/RDE

Material properties control

using XRD/TXRF

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Complete Description

Thanks to its modularity and the wide range of accessories and attachments available, Explorer allows to perform measurement in different configurations:

  • X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XPD)
  • Reflectometry (XRR)
  • Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction (GIXRD)
  • High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction (HRXRD)
  • Total X-Ray Fluorescence (TXRF)
  • Residual Stress and Texture X-Ray Diffraction.


The modularity and the flexibility of the Explorer equipment allows to start with an entry-level system which can be upgraded to meet new end user requirements. GNR could supply a wide range of X-ray sources, optics, sample holders, detectors and configurations to satisfy several analytical needs.


With no limits to its applications, Explorer modular system offers high performances in all analytical areas, ranging from phases quantification of mixtures, to the determination of microstructural properties as residual stress and preferred orientation of crystallites on bulk materials as well as on thin films.

Product Applications

  • Routine Cystalline phase identification and quantification
  • Crystallite size – lattice strain and crystallinity calculation
  • Polymorph screening and crystal structure analysis
  • Residual Stress and Retained Austenite Quantification
  • Thin Films, Depth Profiling and non ambient analysis
  • Phase Transition monitorin, tecture and preferred orientations


The optics permit switches between Bragg-Brentano, focusing and parallel beam geometry using Johansson or parabolic mirror monochromators.

The high resolution reflectometry studies can be performed with EXPLORER to characterise layer thickness (from 1 to 500 nm with an accuracy better than 1%), density (with an accuracy better than ± 0.03 g/cm3), surface and interface roughness (from 0 to 5 nm with an accuracy better than ± 0.1 nm).

Measurements at low angles and a thin film attachment for parallel beam geometry allow the study of thin films and multilayers.

The coupling between a parabolic mirror monochromator and a channel-cut crystal mounted on the incident beam allows to realise a monochromatic parallel beam with high intensity and low divergence, suitable for high resolution measurements.

Technical Data

X Ray Generator
Maximum Output Power: 3 kW
Max Output voltage: 60 kV
Max Output current: 60 mA
Voltage Step width: 0.1 kV
Current Step width: 0.1 mA
X-Ray Tube
Glass (option ceramic), Cu anode (option: Co, Fe, Cr, Mo, W, Ag)
0.4 x 12 mm LFF (Long Fine Focus)
(options: 0.4 x 8 mm FF; 1×10 mm NF)
Configuration: Vertical Theta/Theta geometry
Measuring circle diameters: from 400 to 600 mm
Angular Range: – 110° < 2 Theta < + 168° (according to accessories)
Angle positioning: Direct drive torque motors with optical encoders
Smallest selectable stepsize: 0.0001°
Angular accuracy: Better than ± 0.01° over the whole 2-Theta range
Detector 1D/2D detectors
Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs)
External Dimensions: width 1427 mm, height 1976 mm, depth 1080 mm
Weight: 605 kg
Processing Unit Computer Type: Personal Computer, the latest version
Items controlled: X-ray generator, goniometer, sample holder, detector, counting chain

Software Informations

Data Collection Programs

GNR offers a large variety of acquisition programs, for standard as well as for customized hardware configurations. the list includes programs for powder and high resolution diffractometers, retained austenite, data acquisition of stress (plane and triaxial) and thin films (XRD and GIXRD).



Single peak analysis; peak treatment. Background subtraction, smoothing, deconvolution and peak localisation. Structural Analysis, Crystallite Size, Lattice Strain, Reflectometry, Quantitative Analysis.


Search and Match: MATCH!

Rietveld refinement, Display and compare multiple diffraction partners, Directly view specific phases/entries, instant usage of additional information, saving of selection criteria, Comfortable definition of background, Improved zooming facilities, Batch processing and Automatics.

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