GNR srl

40 years of experience, at your service…

GNR srl

40 years of experience, at your service…

G.N.R. S.r.l (GNR), thanks to its 40 years of experience, is a worldwide market producer of advanced analytical instruments, developing procedures of analysis for various applications, supplying the corresponding laboratory equipment and providing consulting and customer support worldwide, through its post sales network.

GNR designs and produces:

– X-Ray Diffractometers (XRD) and X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) for the study of material structure and elemental composition for both scientific and industrial applications

– Optical Emission Spectrometers (OES) and Rotating Disc Electrode Optical Emission Spectrometers (RDE-OES) for the measurement of elemental composition of metal alloys and the analysis of contaminants, additives and wear metals in lubricant oils, coolants and hydraulic fluids

GNR can rely on a well-established team of highly qualified researchers and technicians, supported by the cooperation with leading University departments, which ensures a constantly updated technological growth.

GNR is present on the main international markets through an efficient and motivated technical and commercial network, able to provide outstanding support for any customer requirements.


GNR was established in 1984 in Milan (Italy) founded by Mario Gungui and Antonio Nigro.

They took over OPTICA srl, one of the first and most well-known european companies in the field of analytical instrumentation. In the first years, an extensive development program, according to the most advanced technologies leads brings to the development of a range of innovative instruments in the OES domain replacing obsolete equipment.

The continuos effort kept for the overall years of activity allowed GNR to reach a prominent place among the most important worldwide manufactures of optical emission spectrometers (OES), supplying GNR unit all over the world.

Product Portfolio Differentiation: X-Ray Domain

In 2004 a balanced policy, aimed to consolidate and diversify the production, led to the acquisition of ItalStructures srl. 

ItalStructures was founded in 1966 and was specialised in the production of X-Ray Analytical Instruments. It was present on the main international markets, in research centres as well as in the metallurgic, chemical, pharmaceutical, electronic, environmental, and food industry. 

In the last 10 years, GNR has defined a new X-Ray product portfoglio to cover advanced customer requirements. 


After 40 years of technological experience, GNR is a worldwide market producer of advanced X-ray (XRD, XRF) and Optical Emission Spectrometer (OES) systems for complete solutions in structural and elemental analysis with thousands of machines installed and operative all over the world.

Every year an important percentage of its revenue is invested in R&D with the aim to improve the performance of its product portfolio.

Certified Quality

Highest quality in our products and service is a core value for GNR.

Full commitment is dedicated to support our quality system in the overall process and continuous improvement is fundamental to guarantee GNR compliance to the internationally accepted quality management standard ISO 9001.

GNR Certified UNI EN ISO 9001 – Certified n° 50 100 4258

GNR Head Office and Production Site

GNR Head Office and Production Site is located in Agrate Conturbia (Novara), near Lago Maggiore; 20 minutes from Malpensa Airport.

It is located in 12.000 square meter site, of which 2.400 built in.

Come visit!

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