Explorer – TXRF Configuration
A plasma-assisted approach for the controlled dispersion of CuO aggregates into β iron(III) oxide matrices.
CrystEngComm, 2014,16, 8710-8716
G.Carraro, A.Gasparotto, C.Maccato, E.Bontempi, F.Bilo, D.Peeters, C.Sada, D.Barreca

A new nanotechnology of fly ash inertization based on the use of silica gel extracted from rice husk ash and microwave treatment.
J. Nanoengineering and Nanosystems 2014, Vol. 228(1) 27-32
A. Bosio, A. Gianoncelli, A. Zacco, L. Borgese, Nicola Rodella, Davide Zanotti, L.E. Depero, G. Siviero, A. Cinosi, P. A. Bingham and E. Bontempi.

Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence (TXRF) spectroscopy for environmental and biological analysis. – Réflexion spectroscopie des rayons X de fluorescence totale dans l’analyse biologique et de l’environnement  
International Congress of Metrology, (2013) 10010, published by EDP Sciences
L.Borgese, F. Bilo, E. Bontempi, L. Seralessandri, A. Cinosi, G. Siviero, L. E. Depero

Airborne particulate matter (PM) filter analysis and modeling by total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) and X-ray standing wave (XSW).
Talanta 2012; 89: 99-104
L. Borgese, M. Salmistraro, A. Gianoncelli, A. Zacco, R. Lucchini, N. Zimmerman, L. Pisani, G. Siviero, L.E. Depero, E. Bontempi.

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