TX 2000 is the state of the art laboratory spectrometer for quantitative multi element trace analysis using Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence (TXRF).
TXRF is a type of Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) in which the beam strikes the sample, deposited as a thin layer on a carrier, at a very small incidence angle, in order to exploit enhancement given by the total reflection effect. As far as the sample is thin enough (thin film approximation), the tecnique’s main strenghts are:
- simultaneous multi-element analysis from Na to Pu
- no matrix effect
- no matrix-dependent calibration curves
- improved detection limits (LOD) down to ng/g or lower
- minimum amount of sample
- microanalysis capabilities
TX 2000, equipped with an automatic primary beam switching system (MoKa, WLa/Lb and bremsstrahlung 33 keV), a Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) and an high power X-Ray Tube is the optimal solution for applications in environmental, chemicals and nuclear fields.
TX 2000 Main Features
- Stepper motors with optical encoders ensure extremely precise angular values.
- Enhanced excitation mode by selection of the most suitable monochromatized energy (W-La/W-Lb/Mo-Ka) provided by the combination of double anode MO/W X-ray tube and W/Si multilayer. Other X-Ray anodes can be monochromatized as well.
- Peltier-cooled Silicon Drift Detector with an energy resolution better than of 133eV (FWHM@MnKa, 1ms peaking time)
- Minimal distance between the sample and the detector (mounted to the axis normal to the plane of the sample).
- Instrumental detection limits below ng/g.
- Helium flux attachment to improve the detection limits for the light elements.
- No matrix effect