
Drug formulation and testing of related material are subject to more and more severe norms and regulation. Fast response analytical techniques are of primary importance.

GNR provides a series of products and solutions for a faster and more reliable analysis in the pharmaceutical  domain. 

XRF and XRD techniques can be of primary interest to improve quality, reduce costs and grant health safety and competitive advantages.

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X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) is an analytical technique absolutely irreplaceable for pharmaceutical industry and can be exerted during the entire process: from the research stage, the formulation and the production of a new molecule and new pharmacophores.

By X-Ray Diffractometry it is possible to obtain many and important information, such as: 

X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) phase identification is essential in API formulation as well as TXRF is an unsurpassed technique for metal contaminant presence (heavy metals and residual of catalyst).

APD 2000
Best solution for phased structural analysis of powder samples

TX 2000
Outstanding analytical performance for elemental analysis

Diffractometer with High Performance in all analytical areas 

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